Danny Willett transition Vs Amateur golfer transition with the GForce Swing Trainer

If your golf is inconsistent your probably out of sequence. So no need for a complete swing rebuild but just a bit of fine tuning to get you back on track. So what is the kinematic sequence or kinetic chain and why do you need to understand it?
It is how we transfer energy from the body into the club head to create effortless club head speed and club face control. You need to understand it because this is how the golf swing works and how we get consistent shots.
It's not about trying to create a model golf swing as everybody is different, it's more about getting everything in sequence to create an effortless motion which is what we see in all tour players. Even tour players have bad days but this is down to poor sequencing which leads to compensations to make up for the breakdown in the kinematic sequence creating inconsistent results.
I see so many golfers working on their back swing positions and trying to get into a nice pretty position at the top but in reality the back swing is not as important as the downswing. Here is a great image or Rory McIlroy so you can understand the correct order for the down swing sequence to transfer energy from the body into the club head.
Mid to high handicappers and beginners do this sequence the opposite way around to Rory and tour players. Amateurs start down arms first, torso & hips last. We call it coming over the top, hitting from the top or releasing the club too early from the top of the swing. So if the arms are moving quicker than the body can turn you will chicken wing, disconnecting the arms from the body through impact. So your body gets in the way of the arms because they are traveling to fast too soon!
Here is an interesting picture of a amateur golfer with the GForce Swing Trainer, you can see the shaft is overloaded in transition. Starting the downswing with the arms (hitting from the top) first causes the shaft to overload. Arms, torso, hips....this swing is over the top with the club head travelling on a out to in path.
And here is a professional golfer with the GForce Swing Trainer, you can see the shaft is not overloaded in transition and you could mistake it for a normal golf shaft. This golfer has started down from the lower body. Hips, torso, arms....in the correct sequence.
Masters Champion Danny Willett using the GForce Swing Trainer wedge. Look how quiet the whippy shaft is from transition into the down swing, it looks like a normal golf shaft! All great ball strikers begin by generating speed from their lower body and transferring this speed through their torso, into their arms, and then into the club. What style of back swing they use is completely unique to each player but the downswing kinematic sequence is the same in every single tour player!!!
So the GForce Swing Trainer gives you instant feedback not just for your rhythm & tempo but for the correct down swing sequence. If you are coming over the top and releasing to early it is a great tool to help you with the correct sequencing.
Too much speed too soon from the top overloads the shaft making it difficult to square on impact and the great thing about the GForce Swing Trainer is you can feel it and get instant feedback from the ball flight making practice sessions more productive. Your brain feeds off these two important factors feeling & seeing and can relate to good vs bad. So no more overthinking just feel and see when the swing is right!!
Try swinging the trainer for 10 minutes every day until you feel a smooth uninterrupted motion. Then take it to the practice range and hit shots with plenty of practice swings in between to start improving your sequencing today!!
The smoother you can feel the transition the better the downswing & sequencing will be. good luck ;-)